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The challenge

Our client was an experienced Clinical Psychologist. During her 23 years of clinical experience, she worked in the NHS, Education, Trauma Department of London Underground and maintained a private practice. She was also a Clinical Associate to several specialist trauma and rehabilitation services and provided training in psychological skills to various professional groups. She was passionate about the need for different disciplines to think about wellbeing and psychological health in an integrated way. She ran her own mindfulness practice and taught this to her clients, as well as being a fully trained EMDR clinician.
She set up her own series of workshops called Me Unlimited, specifically designed for women who had experienced issues with ‘imposter syndrome’ and low self-confidence, perhaps when going back to work after having children or dealing with confidence issues during/after the menopause.

She was looking to publicise the workshops in order to raise awareness about them and attract more women to try them out and reap the benefits.

The results

We initially started approaching our client’s local media in north London and secured some great online coverage.

Coverage wasn’t, however, translating into bookings, so we decided to target the national press and specialist health and wellbeing media and immediately secured coverage in yoga and wellbeing magazine OM, an advice piece in New! magazine, a full page (and trail on the cover) in the Jewish Chronicle and we also approached a personal freelance contact who wrote for the Times ‘Body and Soul’ to see if she would try out the course and then write a piece about it.

She agreed and absolutely loved the course! She wrote a full page about it which ran on a Saturday morning. The response was fast and huge: our client called us and said that her phone had not stopped ringing with women not only wanting to book themselves on to the course but also to book our client to come and run workshops about self confidence in their organisations for whole teams. She was absolutely thrilled and actually booked enough places on the course for the whole of the following year: one very happy client!